Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Author : MacFarren, George Alexander
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. MacFarren, George Alexander:   The Unpublished Works of Mendelssohn. MWorld 31/ 2 (8 Jan 1853), 11-16
2. MacFarren, George Alexander:   On the publications of the Bach Society in Leipsic (From the 'Music Publishers' Circular'). MWorld 31/ 9 (26 Feb 1853), 133-134
3. MacFarren, George Alexander:   On the publications of the Bach Society in Leipsic (From the 'Music Publishers' Circular'. Continued from page 134). MWorld 31/10 (5 Mar 1853), 147-149
4. MacFarren, George Alexander:   On the publications of the Bach Society in Leipsic (From the 'Music Publishers' Circular'. Continued from page 149). MWorld 31/13 (26 Mar 1853), 191-192
5. MacFarren, George Alexander:   On the publications of the Bach Society in Leipsic (From the 'Music Publishers' Circular'. Continued from page 192). MWorld 31/14 (2 Apr 1853), 207-209
6. MacFarren, George Alexander:   On the publications of the Bach Society in Leipsic (From the 'Music publishers' Circular'. Continued from page 209). MWorld 31/15 (9 Apr 1853), 222-224
7. MacFarren, George Alexander:   On the publications of the Bach Society in Leipsic (From the 'Music Publishers' Circular'. Concluded). MWorld 31/17 (23 Apr 1853), 260-261
8. MacFarren, George Alexander:   Mendelssohn's St. Paul. MWorld 31/31 (30 Jul 1853), 483-485
9. MacFarren, George Alexander:   Programme zu Konzerten. 1. Analytisches und historisches Programm zu dem ersten diesjährigen Konzerte der Philharmonischen Gesellschaft in London (Fortsetzung). AllgMlZ(3) 4/21 (26 May 1869), 161-164
10. MacFarren, George Alexander:   Bach's 'Grosse Passions-Musik' ('St. Matthew') (From the London 'Musical Times'). DwightJM 29/23 (29 Jan 1870), 177-178
11. MacFarren, George Alexander:   Bach's 'Grosse Passions-Musik' ('St. Matthew') (From the London 'Musical Times'. Continued from page 178). DwightJM 29/25 (26 Feb 1870), 193-194
12. MacFarren, George Alexander:   Bach's Grosse Passions-Musik. (St. Matthew.) MTimes 14/323, 324, 325, 326 (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1870), 327-329; 359-361; 391-393; 423-426
13. MacFarren, George Alexander:   Our contemporaries. Bach's 'Matthew Passion'. MWorld 48/16 (16 Apr 1870), 269
14. MacFarren, George Alexander:   J. S. Bach's music of the 'Passion according to the Gospel of St. John'. DwightJM 32/ 5 (1 Jun 1872), 242-244
15. MacFarren, George Alexander:   J. S. Bach's Music of the Passion according to the Gospel of St. John. MTimes 15/351 (1 May 1872), 463-465
16. MacFarren, George Alexander:   J. S. Bach's 'Passion of St. Matthew'. DwightJM 33/15 (1 Nov 1873), 113-114
17. MacFarren, George Alexander:   J. S. Bach's 'Passion of St. Matthew' (Concluded from page 114). DwightJM 33/15 (15 Nov 1873), 122
18. MacFarren, George Alexander:   J. S. Bach's 'Passion of St. Matthew'. MWorld 51/33 (16 Aug 1873), 560
19. MacFarren, George Alexander:   J. S. Bach's 'Passion of St. Matthew' (Continued from page 560). MWorld 51/34 (23 Aug 1873), 567
20. MacFarren, George Alexander:   J. S. Bach's 'Passion of St. Matthew' (Continued from page 567). MWorld 51/37 (13 Sep 1873), 623-624
21. MacFarren, George Alexander:   Bach's Christmas Oratorio. MTimes 16/371 (1 Jan 1874), 347-353
22. MacFarren, George Alexander:   The pictorial power of music. MTimes 17/388 (1 Jun 1875), 103-106
23. MacFarren, George Alexander:   Handel and Bach. Part I. ProceedRMA 11 (1884-85), 33-50
24. MacFarren, George Alexander:   Handel and Bach. Part II. ProceedRMA 11 (1884-85), 63-79
25. MacFarren, George Alexander:   Handel and Bach. Part I. MWorld 63/45, 46, 47, 48 (7, 14, 21, 28 Nov 1885), 705-706; 721-722; 737-738; 753-754
26. MacFarren, George Alexander:   Handel and Bach. Part II (Continued from page 754) MWorld 63/49, 50, 51, 52 (5, 12, 19, 26 Dec 1885), 768-769; 779-780; 795; 811-812

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita